A brands consumer often has a lot to say when it comes to their viewpoints on products or services, especially while using social media to express these experiences. These online engagements can make or break the popularity of specific brand, build trust with consumers and drive the value of a brand.

User generated content (UGC) is defined as “when you ask your audience for participation online, usually via social posts with brand-unique hashtags”. Many of the promoted posts include positive customer reviews from loyal and engaged customers who become true advocates for a brand. A Percolate report stated that 86% of millennials believe that UGC is the key metric for telling whether a brand is trustworthy. Also, more than 74% of consumers trust a brands influencer and their word of mouth on a product to actually make a purchasing decision towards a specific brand. All of these tactics for creating UGC help establish a flow of free and authentic marketing straight from the consumer, which saves brand both time and money in their marketing efforts.

Here are some steps you can use to inspire UGC for your brand using SponsorsOne:

  1. Build a good foundation for your brand – Using Sponsorsone for your campaign creation process allows you to remain consistent across your branding to make sure your brand is trusted by consumers. The SponsorCloud technology also allows you to track campaign interactions in real time to make sure consumers are satisfied with your brand.
  2. Craft the right message – Working alongside the SponsorsOne campaign creation team allows you to determine the outcome of a campaign to get your desired result. Our team has experience working on campaigns with many brands and has a proven track record for successful campaign launches. We ask the questions: What is it that you want consumers to say about your brand as a result of the campaign? And what is the message that you want to exponentially spread and pass through consumers’ social media networks?
  3. Leverage Influencers – With SponsorsOne, we look at every loyal consumer as a celebrity in the eyes of a brand. We help brands leverage each of these influencers network to create an authentic reach that is actionable and impactful.
  4. Leverage social media – SponsorsOne uses the power of social media as the driving force in engagement for your brand. With uniquely created campaign content, deeply strategized campaign goals and innovative techniques for monitoring campaign stats in real time, we provide a winning combination to keep interactions with your brand up and positive momentum on your campaigns.
  5. Reward your audience – Follow up and support for your loyal consumers is a necessary, and now-a-days, a mandatory step in creating an engaged group of consumers creating authentic UGC. SponsorsOne allows brands to show how much they appreciate a consumers loyalty, engagement and interactions by providing discounts through the SponsorCoin cryptocurrency. This cryptocurrency provides rewards for authentic UGC created by the consumer for a specific campaign. The SponsorCoin can then be redeemed on the products e-commerce sites to get discounts on the products they love.


